Due to the flatten curve of the pandemic, Alishan Forest Railway has reopened since August 10th.


In cooperation with the CDC's announcement of the implementation of the level 2 COVID-19 pandemic alert from August 10th, Alishan Forest Railway will reopen from August 10th, and ticket booking system will be opened immediately. Passengers are requested to cooperate with the contact tracing system, measurement of body temperature and wearing mask.

Alishan Forest Railway and Cultural Heritage Office (AFRCHO) stated that in order to effectively control social distance, the main line will run between Chiayi and Fenqihu, with a limitation of 108 passengers of each train, no non-reserved tickets, and only stop at Chiayi, Beimen, Zhuqi, Jiaoliping, and Fenqihu; the rest of unmanned stations will not stop. In addition, Jungshing Express that runs every Saturday and Sunday, "Come to Chiayi" hinoki train that runs Chiayi-Beimen section, and other theme trains that run every Wednesday are still suspended.

The three branch lines (Chushan line, Shenmu line, and Zhaoping line) in Alishan Forest Recreation Area will also open from August 10th. The capacity of passenger of each train will be adjusted from 350 to 150, and the hinoki carriage will be adjusted from 200 to 120, and more trains will be departed depends on the amount of passengers.

During the level 2 alert period, AFRCHO will adjust its operation policy in accordance with national epidemic prevention policy and the latest restriction announcements issued by the local government. For relevant information, please visit the official website or facebook fanpage of the AFRCHO.
Last updated on:2021-08-13
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