
Oigawa Railway


Oigawa Railway

The link: Oigawa Railway Official website
  • Concluded a sister railway treaty on Jan. 24, 1986
  • Oigawa Railway, which located at Shizuoka, got the name because it was established along the Oigawa River. Originally, the authority constructed this railway in order to build the dam and power plant. After that, it started to transport the lumber and became tour train. The total length is 65 kilometers which could be divided into Main Line and Oigawa Line.
  • Main Line: Passengers are able to enjoy the view of tea plantation and the melody of harmonica played by conductor.
  • Oigawa Line: It is the only rack railway in Japan. Passengers can visit the train museum at Senzu Station. Not only the historical photos and models, visitors will also view many heritages which symbolize the cooperation and relationship between Alishan Forest Railway and Oigawa Railway.

Kurobe Gorge Railway

Kurotetu Railway
The link: Kurotetu Railway Official website
  • Concluded a sister railway treaty on Apr. 20, 2013.
  • Kurotetu Railway, which located at Toyama, was aim to transport operators and materials. The track gauge system is the same with Alishan Forest Railway (762 mm). Nowadays, it became a tour train and got the reputation because of the fabulous scenery.
  • Passengers can enjoy the spectacular and unforgettable landscape by taking the train. However, passengers may feel chill even though summer due to the high altitude and opened carriage. So they can also choose the special carriage with window.

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