Ticket Prices

Alishan Forestry Railway train fare table - Main Line

Alishan (Full Fare)、Cypress wooden carriage (Full Fare)

Fare Alishan Erwanping Pingzhena Shizilu Duolin Fenqihu Shuisheliao Jiaoliping Liyuanliao Dulishan Zhangnaoliao Mujiliao Zhuqi Lumachan Beimen Chiayi
Alishan - 50 100 142 175 225 267 309 342 375 409 442 484 509 584 600
Erwanping 50 - 59 109 142 184 225 275 300 334 367 409 442 475 550 567
Pingzhena 100 59 - 50 84 125 167 217 242 275 309 350 384 417 492 509
Shizilu 142 109 50 - 50 84 125 175 200 234 267 309 342 375 450 459
Duolin 175 142 84 50 - 50 92 134 167 200 234 267 309 334 417 425
Fenqihu 225 184 125 84 50 - 50 92 125 159 192 225 267 292 367 384
Shuisheliao 267 225 167 125 92 50 - 50 84 117 150 184 225 250 325 342
Jiaoliping 309 275 217 175 134 92 50 - 50 67 100 134 175 209 284 292
Liyuanliao 342 300 242 200 167 125 84 50 - 50 75 109 150 175 250 267
Dulishan 375 334 275 234 200 159 117 67 50 - 50 75 117 142 217 234
Zhangnaoliao 409 367 309 267 234 192 150 100 75 50 - 50 84 109 184 200
Mujiliao 442 409 350 309 267 225 184 134 109 75 50 - 50 75 150 159
Zhuqi 484 442 384 342 309 267 225 175 150 117 84 50 - 50 109 125
Lumachan 509 475 417 375 334 292 250 209 175 142 109 75 50 - 84 92
Beimen 584 550 492 450 417 367 325 284 250 217 184 150 109 84 - 50
Chiayi 600 567 509 459 425 384 342 292 267 234 200 159 125 92 50 -

Jungshing Express (Full Fare)

Fare Alishan Erwanping Pingzhena Shizilu Duolin Fenqihu Shuisheliao Jiaoliping Liyuanliao Dulishan Zhangnaoliao Mujiliao Zhuqi Lumachan Beimen Chiayi
Alishan - 45 90 128 158 203 240 278 308 338 368 398 435 458 525 540
Erwanping 45 - 53 98 128 165 203 248 270 300 330 368 398 428 495 510
Pingzhena 90 53 - 45 75 113 150 195 218 248 278 315 345 375 443 458
Shizilu 128 98 45 - 45 75 113 158 180 210 240 278 308 338 405 413
Duolin 158 128 75 45 - 45 83 120 150 180 210 240 278 300 375 383
Fenqihu 203 165 113 75 45 - 45 83 113 143 173 203 240 263 330 345
Shuisheliao 240 203 150 113 83 45 - 45 75 105 135 165 203 225 293 308
Jiaoliping 278 248 195 158 120 83 45 - 45 60 90 120 158 188 255 263
Liyuanliao 308 270 218 180 150 113 75 45 - 45 68 98 135 158 225 240
Dulishan 338 300 248 210 180 143 105 60 45 - 45 68 105 128 195 210
Zhangnaoliao 368 330 278 240 210 173 135 90 68 45 - 45 75 98 165 180
Mujiliao 398 368 315 278 240 203 165 120 98 68 45 - 45 68 135 143
Zhuqi 435 398 345 308 278 240 203 158 135 105 75 45 - 45 98 113
Lumachan 458 428 375 338 300 263 225 188 158 128 98 68 45 - 75 83
Beimen 525 495 443 405 375 330 293 255 225 195 165 135 98 75 - 45
Chiayi 540 510 458 413 383 345 308 263 240 210 180 143 113 83 45 -

Alishan Forestry Railway train fare table- Branch Line

Branch Line Zhushan Line Shenmu Line (Sacred Tree Line) Zhaoping Line
Full Fare 150 100 100
Half Fare 75 50 50

Half Price: the fare is half of full fare

  1. Elder people (over 65 years old) who hold an ROC ID Card
  2. People who hold the manual/certificate for the physical and mental disabled and one companion
  3. Children: between 6 and 12 years old & up to 115 cm and less than 150 cm (up to 115 cm but less than 6 years old is free)